Cas Snelgar starts each new painting with the intention of capturing the energy that the artwork will carry. Over the years Cas has developed a collection of symbols  informed by diverse cultures and mythologies. Cas uses these symbols as tools to access the ‘collective unconscious’ thereby deepening the impact of the artwork on the viewers’ nervous system and creating meaningful shifts in their subconscious.

When working on a commission Cas discovers the symbols specific to the energy of each client. During a private consultation the artist guides the client through a range of questions to distil their core values down to five potent words. These words form the basis of the symbols which will then be incorporated into the client’s painting.

The power of these symbols to align ones subconscious with their purpose and authentic self is a key component of what makes the artist’s pieces so unique. The intimate dance between the conscious and subconscious, and the artist and the viewer creates a collaborative experience with deeply emotive results. 

For consultation please contact Cas and her team on: